Pastors Mitch and Erin Gutowski

Mitch and Erin Gutowski were married in Kent, Ohio in 2008.  It was on a missions trip to Haiti after the earthquake (in the summer of 2010) they decided to dedicate their lives to helping the hurting and to fulfilling the Lord’s call to serving Christ in ministry. They asked the Lord to send them “wherever, whenever.” 

In February 2012, the Gutowskis felt God calling them to the inner-city of Chicago. Later that year, they moved to the west side, Austin area, where gang activity, drug dealing, and shootings occur daily. During their time in Chicago, they continued to work full-time jobs, Mitch as an electrician for the railroad, and Erin as a high school math teacher. The rest of their time was spent in various ministries including homeless ministry, street evangelism, feeding programs, children’s ministry, Bible studies, GED tutoring, and prostitutes and pimps ministry.

Both Mitch and Erin graduated from Charis Bible College (Michigan).  In July of 2017, the Gutowski's moved to the 133-acre property in Battle Creek, Michigan, which the Lord had shown them would house their ministry called: "The Fish Farm".   The Gutowski's are blessed to now be the full-time stewards of "Fish Farm Ministries".